GARMA launches holiday gift certificate giveawayShoppers supporting Gettysburg area merchants may receive some extra cheer this holiday season.
The Gettysburg Area Retail Merchants Association (GARMA) board of directors will be popping into member businesses beginning Saturday and distributing $5 or $10 gift certificates to random shoppers. “You never know when someone will show up,” GARMA Board President Jennie Dillon said. Read More GARMA's Holiday SeasonDear Friends,
Every year GARMA enjoys bringing the holiday spirit to downtown Gettysburg via our many decorations and celebrations. Outlined below is what will be occurring for Christmas 2021. GARMA will continue the tradition of the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on November 26 (Black Friday). At 5:30pm the Square will be filled with holiday music and FREE hot chocolate will be served in front of the Gettysburg Hotel (hot chocolate courtesy of the Gettysburg Hotel). Streets will not be closed off during the event. The parking meters on Lincoln Square (just the circle) will be bagged during the event so people can gather on the sidewalks and overflow into parking spaces safely. At approximately 5:55pm Santa will make his way up York St. and into the Square. At 6pm Santa will light the tree. After the tree has been lit, Santa will go to his Shanty on Lincoln Square (always parked in front of the Company K monument) and greet his visitors until 8pm. Shanty Hours are Fridays 11/26 – 12/17, 5pm – 8pm Saturdays 11/27 – 12/18, 10am – 2pm and 3pm – 6pm Sundays 11/28 – 12/19, 12pm – 4pm For those that aren’t able to visit Santa in person this holiday season, mailboxes will be located inside Artworks, 30 York St. and Best Western on Steinwehr Ave. Children can drop off their Letters to Santa at these locations. They will receive a double-sided postcard, with a holiday drawing that can be colored, from Santa acknowledging their letters This year GARMA has come up with an exciting idea to get customers to shop local. GARMA will be giving out $1000 in gift certificates to shoppers as they’re shopping!! GARMA Elves will be out and about this holiday season stopping in GARMA businesses and giving out GARMA gift certificates to random customers. They can use these toward their purchase in that business or in others. Please make sure that your staff is trained to accept GARMA gift certificates. If you have questions on how to accept gift certificates, and then redeem them to GARMA, please reach out to any GARMA board member. GARMA again, in partnership with the Borough, will offer Free Parking during the holidays. Free parking is Monday – Thursday from 8am-8pm. Friday – Sunday will be toll parking. Parking is only free at marked meters – Lincoln Square, First blocks of Carlisle, York, Chambersburg and Baltimore Streets, and the first block of Steinwehr Ave. As this year has challenged us all in one way or another, we hope that everyone will continue to thrive, stay safe, forge on and look for a brighter new year. We, the board members of GARMA appreciate your support and continued membership. We strive for the best in 2022. Sincerely, Your GARMA Board Adams County Giving Spree November 5The Adams County Community Foundation’s November 5th Giving Spree is Adams County’s Day of Giving! ![]() Connecting donors to groups and organizations that match their charitable intentions is an important role of the Adams County Community Foundation. One of the ways we help facilitate that connection is through our annual Giving Spree. At the Giving Spree, everyone in the community is encouraged to learn about nonprofits and support them. ACCF Giving Spree - Read More Support Our GARMA Members!
GARMA | P.O. Box 4914, Gettysburg, PA 17325
Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | About Constant Contact Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today! Shop, Dine and Support LocalThe holiday season is upon us. The countdowns to Christmas have already started, whether it be the actual days until the holiday, or how many Saturdays until the big day. We’re constantly being reminded of this via social media, radio, and TV. GARMA’s countdown has started, too.
Join us Friday, November 26 from 5:30 – 6:15 for the annual lighting of the Gettysburg Christmas Tree. Santa will light the tree at 6pm and then meet the little ones at his Shanty located on Lincoln Square. For more details visit This holiday season, from November 29 – December 30, GARMA will again be offering FREE holiday parking all day Monday through Thursday on select, marked meters. Those marked meters are located on the first blocks of Carlisle, York, Chambersburg and Baltimore Streets, Lincoln Square and the first block of Steinwehr Ave. GARMA has come up with an exciting, fun way to put fast cash in your hands this holiday season. GARMA Elves will be spreading joy passing out GARMA Gift Certificates from Thanksgiving to Christmas. You may be out shopping or dining and one of our Elves hands you a GARMA Gift Certificate to use toward your purchase. Or save your gift certificate to use later. With over 65 businesses that are GARMA members you never know when you may encounter one of our Elves. GARMA Gift Certificates are a great gift to give that “hard to buy for” person. Gift Certificates can be purchased at Artworks, 30 York St., Gettysburg Heritage Center, 297 Steinwehr Ave., and Goin’ Postal at the Gettysburg Outlets. Visit our website to see a list of all GARMA members who accept gift certificates. Gift certificates are a great way to try out a restaurant or shop you’ve always wanted to go to but kept putting it off. The air is crisp and the leaves are falling just in time for First Friday, Gettysburg Style on November 5th. Shop, stroll and dine and have an “unbeleafable” time. You can visit the First Friday page on our website for a list of participating GARMA members. Click on the business logos and you’ll be directed to their website or Facebook page to see what events they may be having. GARMA is also collecting items for our veterans the month of November. We will be supporting For the Love of a Veteran located in Hanover. They have provided us with a donation list that can be found on our website. Participating GARMA businesses will have a collection box with the wish list attached where you can drop off your donations. Shop, dine, and support local. Be patient and be kind. Make someone smile. Jennie Dillon is the President of GARMA and owner of Artworks on York St. Falling For First FridayFirst Friday, Gettysburg Style is just around the corner! Look for these awesome posts on our Facebook page and share away to help promote First Friday. The business card header above will be used digitally for the online version of the Gettysburg Times. Just click on that icon when you log into your Gettysburg Times account and it will direct you to the First Friday page. Advertising Discounts Did you know ... that the Gettysburg Times offers a discount to GARMA members when they advertise under the GARMA First Friday header in the Thursday and Friday papers leading into First Friday?? Call your advertising representative to book your ad today! The First Friday header will be the business card you see at the top of this email, and it's also the business card our First Friday committee is handing out to our members. Remember to ask GARMA to "co host" if you create a Facebook event. This helps your event reach GARMA's 2,683 page followers and lists your event on our page.
Our First Friday committee is... Gary DeCroes - Gettysburg Rental Center Marci Cropp - Rosie's Collection Michelle Lenzi - Lele B's Boutique Debbie Joyner - Gettysburg Foundation/Children of Gettysburg 1863 Museum Reach out to any committee member with any questions you may have. Or email [email protected] Every November GARMA asks its members to participate in collecting items for a local Veteran's organization.GARMA will be partnering with Hanover based:
For the Love of a Veteran P.O. Box 1238, Hanover, Pa 17331 "Fighting for Those who Fought for Us" WISHLIST ITEMS for collection Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Creamer, Water flavor packets, Tuna packets, Candy, Peanuts, Crackers, Cookies, Jerky, Microwave meals, Noodle Cups, Oatmeal Cups, NEW towels and washcloths. The collection takes place November 1 - November 30. If you are participating, please place a box in your store, possibly near the register area to draw attention to your customers. A printable version of WISHLIST ITEMS is available. Please print the list to put on the front of the box. Please drop off any items collected to Gettysburg Rental Center, 720 York Rd., from December 1 - December 8, weekdays 8am - 4pm and Saturday 8am - 1pm. Gettysburg Rental Center will deliver all items to For the Love of a Veteran. Join in the fun of what GARMA has to offer Gettysburg is a destination location for many reasons. The obvious reason being the history of the battle. But as we all know, Gettysburg is so much more and has so much more to offer.
All of the tourism factions of Gettysburg and Adams County do their part to bring visitors to Gettysburg with their creative and exciting annual events. GARMA also has a few events that we bring to the table to drive visitation to Gettysburg. Our monthly event, that has been going on for quite a few years is First Friday, Gettysburg Style. Every month has a First Friday! What an easy way to remember when the event is held without having to know the actual date on the calendar. Our First Friday Committee comes up with themes and events for member businesses so there is continuity in town as to what is being celebrated. Members are encouraged to be as creative as they like with those themes and events; the skies the limit. Businesses may stay open a little later than usual, have sale specials, activities, refreshments, live music, etc. The committee is dedicated to making First Friday a Destination Event for Gettysburg every month. To find out what a GARMA member may be doing to celebrate, go to the First Friday page on the GARMA website and click on the logo of the business you’re interested in. You will be directed to either the business’s Facebook page or website. GARMA also starts the holiday season with the annual lighting of the Gettysburg Christmas Tree. This event is always held the Friday evening after Thanksgiving (as we shoppers and retailers call it, Black Friday). GARMA has a great team of elves who pull this event together. You can enjoy the countdown to the tree lighting while sipping hot cocoa and listening to Christmas music. GARMA brings Santa into Lincoln Square and the jolly old elf asks everyone to help him countdown to 6 o’clock and yell “Light That Tree”. Afterwards Santa makes his way to his Shanty to greet all the children and their families (4-legged children included). Our other big event is the bi-annual Gettysburg Outdoor Antique Show. Held the 3rd Saturday in May and the 4th Saturday in September, 2022 marks the antique shows 55th year. Vendors and shoppers line the streets of downtown Gettysburg looking for a good buy. However, the 2020 and 2021 antique shows have had quite a hurdle to overcome with the ongoing pandemic. Vendor numbers have decreased during this trying time. We can only look forward, never back, and hope that better times are ahead to bring you a great 55th year. GARMA operates with a 10 person Board of Directors. We are comprised of business owners and representatives of Gettysburg businesses who volunteer our time to help bring these events to this community. If you’re interested in becoming a GARMA member, please visit our website at to fill out an application. If you are a current member and are interested in becoming more involved with GARMA, please email us at [email protected]. As is said, the more the merrier. Jennie Dillon is the President of GARMA and owner of Artworks on York St. October 2021 First Friday EventsA great October evening to be out and about Gettysburg. First Friday Gettysburg Style. People were celebrating Everything Apples to welcome the start of Apple Harvest!
Looking for something to do in Gettysburg? Just Improvise I’ve always been told that I have a quick wit. A snappy comeback to someone’s comment has always come easy for me. Growing up, I think that it’s amused my Mom, and sometimes I think it’s annoyed her. But guess what, Mom? I’m going to try and put this skill to good use.
I was having coffee with my dear friend Karen Land, the director (or “side coach” as she calls herself) of the Improv Troupe at Gettysburg Community Theatre. I asked her “what is Improv?”. I mean, I do have the basic gist of what it is and how it should work. However, I thought I’d ask the professional. So as we’re talking, I’m thinking that I could certainly try my hand at Improv. I’m rarely caught off guard; always try to be on my toes. I could put that quick wit to good use. So I’ve already committed to Karen that I’ll attend the audition for the Improv Troupe at the Theatre. Auditions are Sunday, September 12, 7pm at Gettysburg Community Theatre at 49 York St. (you must be 18 years or older to audition). No experience is necessary to audition. You’ll have a great “side coach” who will help you. Another creative outlet for me has been singing – well, actually, karaoke. The Gettysburger on Chambersburg St. has karaoke every Tuesday night from 9pm-12am. I’ve done karaoke at many different places, but I must say that The Gettysburger is the best. Everyone sings! No one is shy, no one laughs just because you may sing off key. Everyone is clapping and supportive. When you’re there, you’re singing amongst friends. Start your evening there with a great dinner and homemade dessert before belting out Freebird. If being on stage or performing in front of others isn’t your style, there’s still plenty of fun things to do this month. Saturday evenings the Gettysburg Heritage Center comes to life with their series “Night at the Museum, 1863”. You can find out what life was like during the battle for the townspeople of Gettysburg. We all remember civilian Jennie Wade, but we tend to forget about the others living here during those three days and beyond. September 4th marks the opening of the Gettysburg Foundation’s Children of Gettysburg 1863 museum (formerly known as The Rupp House) on Baltimore St. Children and adults will learn what life was like for the youth of Gettysburg during the battle. The museum offers a hands-on historical experience. Saturday, September 25th is the 54th Annual Fall Outdoor Antique Show on the streets of downtown Gettysburg. There’s a lot of work that goes into organizing the spring and fall shows. The morning of the show we start bagging the meters at 3:30am. By 5am the vendors start settling into their spots so they’re ready for business come 7am when the show officially starts. It’s a tiring day for all involved but a great way to increase downtown traffic for our restaurants and shops. 2022 dates are May 21st and September 24th. Visit for a list of GARMA members. Are you a business interested in becoming a GARMA member and you’re located within 5 miles of Lincoln Square? Contact us at [email protected]. Jennie Dillon is the President of GARMA and owner of Artworks on York St. Stop and smell the familiar flowers of Gettysburg Each week, usually by Tuesday, I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do the upcoming weekend. I like to plan ahead because it gives me something to look forward to. One or two days off of either mowing my yard (which I do find relaxing) or planning something with family or friends.
My mom and I have always enjoyed walking around town looking in all the shops or reading the plaques on or in front of the buildings. Yes, I’ve lived here all my life, but sometimes you still need to take time to smell the flowers even if you’ve smelled them before. And sometimes it’s fun to take a tour of downtown and see things from someone else’s perspective. My friend Lori Mitchell has a unique tour business called Savor Gettysburg Food Tours. These walking tours are done on the weekends and gather a small group of people to walk the town and visit various selected eateries to taste samplings of their great cuisines. These tours not only introduce you to great food, but also give you a chance to look at every building and see what shops are here and what happened where. One of Lori’s tours is actually a tour and cooking class all in one. The “Farmer’s Market Tour and Cooking Class” features local chefs taking participants through the Adams County Farmers Market where you can learn to shop like a chef. Once you’ve made your purchases of fresh produce you’ll proceed to the Adams County Arts Council. There you’ll participate in a hands-on cooking class where the chef teaches you how to prepare your market fresh items into delicious dishes. After you’ve prepared your food you’ll pair it with local wine from Reid’s Winery and Cider House. Our town and county is so rich in not only history, but also in what comes from the soil. Adams County is the Apple Capital of the east coast. Local wineries like Reid’s and Adams County Winery harvest their own grapes and other fruits to make such uniquely tasting wines. Our Farmers Market, who is an umbrella host every Saturday morning from May to October for local farmers to bring fresh grown produce to sell. The market and local retail shops are an outlet for local artisans to sell their handmade products. One thing I love about Gettysburg is how locals work with locals. We’re still a small enough community to understand the importance of working together. In one tour you have three local entities being brought together, highlighting the best of Gettysburg and Adams County. So take the time to walk the town, the market, the shops, the restaurants, take a tour and smell those familiar flowers. You may have a better appreciation for them. As Mayor Streeter says “Come. Visit. Enjoy the jewel of south-central Pennsylvania”. Visit for a list of GARMA members and events. Jennie Dillon is the President of GARMA and owner of Artworks, 30 York St |
May 2023